Waste Water Treatment Plant

Quick Model selection chart of Waste Water Treatment Plant


Traditional methods for odor control require large capital expenditures for equipment with significant operating costs and often, poor overall effectiveness.


Offer a unique high pressure fogging system using environmentally safe neutralizing agents to convert offensive industrial waste odors into odorless solubles with minimal costs and maximum efficiency.

SPECIFICATIONS (depends on size of site)

Pressure.........................................80 Kg/cm2 / 65 Kg/cm2
Flow............................................................8.5 lpm / 40 lpm
Temperature .............................................................Ambient
Fluid ......................................Water and chemical formula
Duty Cycle ..........................................................Continuous
Drive .....................................................2 hp / 7.5 hp electric


  • Reduces capital expenditures.
  • Lowers chemical and operating costs.
  • Proven fast, broad range effectiveness.
  • Easy installation and operation.
  • No hazardous waste.


Many methods have been used to control industrial waste odors, but none of them were so effective and easy to use as high pressure fogging concept.

Current methods include masking which simply covers one odor with another and often make the combination worse than the original; oxidation which is effective, but requires expensive scrubbing equipment and considerable reaction time; carbon absorption which also requires costly equipment and maintenance, plus the difficult disposal of hazardous wasted carbon.
This high pressure fogging system economically and effectively neutralize industrial waste odors.

This system is extremely flexible to accommodate the individual location and odor control needs. Each system includes a high pressure, triple filter, patented anti-drip swivel nozzles and specially sized and fitted hose to meet the specific dimensions of each installation.